Beginning our trip to come back home

January 8th, 2018

We are beginning our trip to come back home. We are passing through San Pedro del Atacama. We are across from Licancabur Volcano. It is majestic.

Its basis is at three thousand and six hundred meters of the sea level. Now I don’t have internet connection, so I don’t know its height. I will research it later. 

Passing through San Pedro del Atacama again was very good. The vegetation appears. It is the Vicunha food. After San Pedro del Atacama we began going up. Our van, Pietá, is 
being driven at 30 kms per hour.  Mr. Hélio’s van had to stop, the vehicle was heating. We all stopped to wait for it. 

All around is golden. The mountain is covered by a golden vegetable. The vegetable which Vicunha eats. 

Our automobile is at 17 hrs per hour. It began heating too. It is tense! We are at 4 thousand meters high. The van is forceless.

We are supposed to sleep in Purmamarca today but my husband thinks we won’t arrive there. We are two hundred and thirty nine kms  from Purmamarca. The preview time is seven o’clock at night. We have to pass through customs. When we were coming to Chile we took almost three hours to pass through customs. 

So probably we won’t arrive in Purmamarca. 

We’ve finished to go up the mountain, so we could return to normality, 90 kms per hour and the motor temperature is 22 degrees. 

The altitude is 4.800 meters. An hour behind the temperature was 19 degrees and now, at 04:50 p.m., the temperature is 6 degrees. When we stopped to have the car deheated it was very cold, llll…Sorry, folks, I sneezed…rsrs and windy.

After taking a nap I’m here again. 

In the altitude of 4.800 meters I felt bad. It is common to feel bad at this altitude. I felt like I was going to  desmaiar so I smelled alcohol and got better. 

Good observation: In high altitude people have to drink a lot of water. A person with 01:65 cms height has to drink about 5 liters of water. 

People with high pression can’t forget to take 
